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Early Pregnancy Care
We care for pregnant women in first trimester including Down Syndrome Screening.

Cervical smear (Pap smear)
Get your cervical smear screening done today

Gynaecology Screening
Get your gynae screening done at evelyn. Contact us for more info.

Irregular Periods
Suffering from irregular periods? Get your assessment and find out why

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
PCOS may affect your period irregularity and fertility. Consult our specialist to find out if you have PCOS and how to treat it.

Suffering from infertility or severe period pain? Find out if you have endometriosis

Uterine Fibroid
Uterine fibroid can cause pelvic pain, heave periods and infertility. Find out how Fibroid can be treated medically and surgically.

Ovarian Cyst
Do you have pelvic pain? Do you have irregular period? It could be due to ovarian cyst. Find out how to treat your ovarian cyst
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